Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Entry 3

Cold war is a state of conflict between nations that does not  invole direct military action. Cuba and U.S.A had a war because soviet union put a automic bomb in cuba and U.S.A didnt want them to do that so they said if you don't take it out we going to start a war. Communism is a sciopolitical movement that aims for a classless society structured upon communal ownership.
Joseph McCarthy was an American politian who served as  a republican U.S. senator.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog Entry 2

Winter 1691-1692 kids coldnt play games or have toys. They was supposed to do shores and  look over bible verses. Januray three girls was put as witch craft, one bark lika a dog, the other one flapped like she was a bird. The other on act like she was shoked the town beg the girls to reveal they self.
March 1692, yelled out three names Tituba she was to tell she was a witch and told their wer more witches was in salem. The other two names was Sarah Good, and Sarah Osburne they was three accused witches. The last to was the one who pass to tell they wasn't witches. People was affared of the first witch killed a few weeks later 19 more none withes was killed.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog Entry 1

 One day I was accused selling drugs at school, did I do it who would ever know. It was just because I was known for smoking weed and I was seen walking in a alley with some random man that was walking at the same time what was the odds. I didn't take nothing of it but why would it be about weed I was leaving school when i wasn't post thats what should of been the problem not weed. When my momma found out she was mad she kept asking me if I did it. She didn't really mind it when they didn't find nothing but my daddy he was tripping. But my little brother thought I wasn't gone come home but I did.
 When I thought about it I really thought it wasn't fair but when i thought long about it i found out that I should'nt of left school when i wasn't supposed to. When it comes down to how people get this rep about whatever the person who start it is your self. Can't no one get you in trouble but your self.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blog 9

Reading the book it was a lot of loneliness and friendships. People fighting because they girl want somebody else cause they don't know how to treat a girl. Then some killing people dog because they dog old and stink. We had a few friendships too good and bad some ended.
Alot of people can't have freindships because some people have a problem with trusting people. Because some people have problems with their pass history with someone they lost, love whatever. I think when people can't trust no one they lonely.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dream Big

I really don't know what to say, if someone dream was not realistic why would tell them that let them least try then tell them whats up don't down someone dream just because u dont got one.I think every dream is reealistic if someon dream it. Try not to dream so big so i want pass what im going for.Cause i have a lot of dreams but i dont know where to start to begin.

What You Think

I think I really don't like being alone but when I do people don't know when I do. I feel connected with people anyway because when people cant get a hold to me they come find me. so text facebook is really nothing but another way to get in touch with me.

Rich Quick

I think anyone who want to get rich quick can if they tried and knew they stuff. Like if I really needed money i can find it or get it which ever one c ome first. But some when they think about a plan they just think about the money not how to get the money.


I think society should help the people who need help I kno they can find something that people can that can't do much in life anymore.  

Friday, October 15, 2010

I Miss My Dog

I  think Candy and the dog are like George and Lennie because the way Candy care about dog like Lennie care about George. I think he should of shot the dog because if Candy loved his dog he would have been done shot the dog because of the dog health.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

of mice and men

this just happen two men name Lennie and George from california. George is a type that knows what to do but he's always bossing Lennie around and telling him what to do. Lennie is a type of person that can't do stuff on his on. They are on they way to a farm two find work and like i said George is still bossing Lennie  around. They keep dreaming about having thier own farm with rabbits, chicken, and everything that a fam have plus more.