Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog Entry 2

Winter 1691-1692 kids coldnt play games or have toys. They was supposed to do shores and  look over bible verses. Januray three girls was put as witch craft, one bark lika a dog, the other one flapped like she was a bird. The other on act like she was shoked the town beg the girls to reveal they self.
March 1692, yelled out three names Tituba she was to tell she was a witch and told their wer more witches was in salem. The other two names was Sarah Good, and Sarah Osburne they was three accused witches. The last to was the one who pass to tell they wasn't witches. People was affared of the first witch killed a few weeks later 19 more none withes was killed.


  1. glad we dont live in 1692

  2. Great summary. It was all mentioned accurately.

  3. someone needs to learn to use grammar check

  4. this grammar is awful

  5. actually i believe your recolection off these events are a wee bit off. I believe one of the girls oinked like a pig while the other roared like a preganant, hormonal bear fending for her cubs

  6. agreed with grasso, ray, and john.
